Feeding the Wolf of Possibilities

How To Get Better At Sex

Episode Summary

What is really good s-e-x... For you? :-) Mr. Christopher Hughes compares it to when the juice of a ripe, ripe orange slowly drips down your chin - and you savour every moment of that sweet, slippery movement. What does that question bring up for you? Have you ever dared to ask? And what if it could get even better? On this episode of the Wolf podcast, one of my favourite s-e-x experts dives right into the wondrous realm of s-e-x as we explore: what if you knew that s-e-x could (always!) be better? Ready?

Episode Notes

Key Takeaways: 
• To start having better s-e-x,  first, look for partners that won't judge you!
• To receive during s-e-x is is to allow yourself to be a part of someone's world.
•  Great s-e-x requires the willingness to push your barriers down and allow your world to get bigger.

Between the Sheets Podcast
In the Beginning Classes with Christopher Hughes
Ask An Anonymous Question about S*x
Find Chris on Instagram
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