Feeding the Wolf of Possibilities

What Does Your Body Know?

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Wolf, my guest is body whisperer Dain Heer. Many years ago, he showed me how to stop being a brain on legs and instead let my body guide me to coming ALIVE. And now, just a few months ago, he published a book called... Body Whispering-A New Way of Seeing, Being and Healing. So... this is not an episode for you. This one is for your body!

Episode Notes

What does your body know? About itself, about you, about consciousness, life, and the universe?

What would happen if we started to ask it? And listen to the answers it whispers back?

In this episode of the Wolf, my guest is body whisperer Dain Heer. Many years ago, he showed me how to stop being a brain on legs and instead let my body guide me to coming ALIVE.

And now, just a few months ago, he published a book called... Body Whispering-A New Way of Seeing, Being and Healing.

So... this is not an episode for you. This one is for your body!

Book: Body Whispering -A New Way of Seeing, Being and Healing
Dr Dain Heer
Katarina Wallentin